Written by: Brittany James aka Always 5 Star Jr.
As a mom of young kids, the need for a break becomes a necessity. I find trips to Target alone a magical experience…driving in the car without kids and being able to listen to something besides Disney songs is euphoric. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love my kids, but sometimes mama needs a break!
While time to myself is nice, I also enjoy planning how my husband and I could have some quality time together. When I read Always5Star aka my mom’s article about using Hyatt Points + Cash program: 5StarTip🌟 How To Save Big on the World Of Hyatt – Points + Cash program! to book a room it gave me the great idea to look into using our Chase Sapphire Preferred credit card points for a weekend getaway!
It was extremely easy to check our points balance and research how we could use our points. Here are my tips and steps to how to achieve this:
🌟 Log in to your Chase account and click “Redeem” located under you Ultimate Rewards points balance.

🌟 You can now choose how you’d like to redeem your points – travel, gift cards, cash back, etc. I picked “Travel.”

🌟 Now is the fun part! You can search for flights, hotels, cars, activities and cruises and plan what you’d like to do with your points. Since my husband and I wanted a weekend away, I picked hotels and entered the dates we were interested in.

🌟 Once you’ve decided on where you’re off to, you can apply your points to your purchase and then use your Chase card to pay for the rest of the get away! What I loved about this way of booking travel is it allowed us to stay in a hotel that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford. I found this splurge to be worth it because my husband and I were able to spend the weekend at the Ritz Carlton Rancho Mirage here in California and it was superb! If you need a little extra convincing that this is a good way to book luxury travel, look at some photos from our weekend away!

🌟 One last note: Be sure and sign up for the Ritz Carlton or Marriott Rewards program, so that you can also earn points for your stay. If you are staying at another hotel, check into their reward program and sign up! You never know when those points will become handy!
Final Thoughts:
Taking a few days to recharge as parents, individuals and as a couple is a key way to keeping yourself sane and allowing you to be the best parent and spouse you can be! It’s nothing anyone should feel guilty about! Next time you’re looking for a way to regroup and relax, consider rewarding yourself with an Always5Star stay by exploring the points + cash method with hotel loyalty programs or credit card points you have! Who wouldn’t want to spend a few days in luxury?
Cheers to your Always5Star parent’s escapes! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Other articles written by Brittany James:
I was not compensated for this post by any of the companies I referred to. The opinions are my own as well as the pictures. This experience was paid for entirely by myself.
About Pamela Rossi

I am passionate about travel and taking each moment and making it a five star experience. My goal is to create those experiences for YOU!