Written by Ashley – Jet Lagged Mama
The coronavirus (covid-19) is spreading throughout the world at a rapid rate. Every time I turn on the news, there are more cases and sadly more deaths. Unless you’ve been off the grid for the past few months, you probably already know what the coronavirus is. But just to quickly recap, the coronavirus is a super virus that started in Wuhan China. It is the same family as the virus as SARS and MERS. The coronavirus symptoms are typically a fever, dry cough, and difficulty breathing.

How To Protect Yourself:
My first reaction to the coronavirus was probably the same as the rest of the world, let’s hunker down and wait out this virus at home. But here we are almost 2 months later and it’s just getting worse. There are many things you can do to protect yourself from getting the coronavirus. The best thing that we all need to do is wash our hands. The coronavirus is spread through water droplets from an infected person. When the infected person coughs or sneezes, or blows their nose, they are expressing the virus. A lot of times the infected person will have infected water droplets on their hands. Then when they touch something (such as a doorknob), they leave the virus behind on the doorknob for you to then touch and contract it through your hands.

What Should You Do If You Think You Have It?
As you can see, it is quite easy to catch the coronavirus. In fact, this is considered a highly contagious disease. But as of now, they have determined that it is not an airborne disease. Meaning you can’t catch it just by breathing unless someone that had it were to cough or sneeze in your face.
If you think you have the coronavirus, what should you do? Most countries are currently asking people to self-isolate at home and to call your medical professional immediately if you think you may have the coronavirus. Don’t rush into your doctor’s office but call beforehand so they can prepare for you!

Should You Still Travel?
Since this outbreak is lasting longer than anyone anticipated, people are concerned about travel. In fact, it may be a great time to travel to some of the places in the world that are coronavirus free. You can take advantage of some great travel deals. If you are in the risk category this is not the time to travel, but you know yourself better than anyone. If you are healthy, haven’t had any respiratory issues, and know the risks, then this could be a good time. It is important to observe and be responsible for taking precautions to take care of your health. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/protect/index.html

Steps You Can Take To Be Prepared!
So, if you decide to travel now, first make sure you are prepared before you leave. Buy travel insurance that will cover any medical care you may need during your time away. Before you go, do your research on where you will be visiting and have a plan on what you need to do in case you get sick. Make sure they have not had a recent outbreak of the coronavirus. This results in overcrowded hospitals and patients cannot get proper medical care.
There are plenty of great places that are not on the “WHOs” list of banned countries to travel right now. Overall, make sure you are informed and research before you go so you can protect yourself.
An important website to use for research is the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Information for Travel – A list of destinations to be avoided and are currently safe for travel.
For more details and information please read the following article:

This article is provided to assist travelers in making travel plans amid the coronavirus outbreak. This information is not medical advice. Please be sure to consult with your doctor regarding any decisions that may affect your health and travel.
About Pamela Rossi

I am passionate about travel and taking each moment and making it a five star experience. My goal is to create those experiences for YOU!