Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year! One of the best ways to celebrate is to create a special holiday drink. Celebrate this Christmas with my super-duper easy Christmas Cranberry Champagne Sparkler Recipe. Try saying that 10 times!
Recipe for a Christmas Cranberry Champagne Sparkler Recipe:

Pure Cranberry Juice
Fresh Cranberries
Christmas Cranberry Champagne Sparkler Directions
Add cranberry juice to the glass, not too much (just a splash)
Fill a champagne glass with your favorite sparkling wine about 3/4 glass full or 1/2 glass if adding champagne ice cubes (see tip below).
Drop-in a few fresh cranberries for garnish

You can substitute pomegranate juice and pomegranate seeds for the garnish if you prefer.
Use an ice tray to make champagne ice cubes. Slowly pour champagne into an ice tray, fill about halfway and add cranberries or pomegranate seeds for decoration. It takes about 6 hours to freeze.
Be sure to chill the Champagne ahead of time. Do not add ice cubes to warm champagne.
Final Thoughts:
I told you it was super-duper easy! Now take your glass and put on some Christmas music, light a fire, and sip away! You deserve it!
Cheers everyone! 🥂

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About Pamela Rossi

I am passionate about travel and taking each moment and making it a five star experience. My goal is to create those experiences for YOU!