#SundaySunsets Twitter Chat
An Always5Star guide on how to participate in this all-day chat.

For all of us who love beautiful pictures of sunsets, we have set aside Sunday as a day to showcase your favorite sunset pictures. The first Sunday of every month
@Always5Star @RoarLoudTravel, @_SundaySunsets_ and host an all-day Twitter chat called #SundaySunsets. Each month we invite special co-hosts to join in with us to support and help us to showcase your tweets.

February 7, 2021
Special Note: We will be taking the month of January 2021 off to spend time with our families. Sending all of you a wish for a very special New Year 2021 and lots of great sunset and sunrise pictures!
Sunday – All Day!
Our Special Co-host(s) this month:
To Be Announced
Always5Star easy tips on how to participate in the chat:
🌟 Please follow all the hosts and co-hosts on Twitter (Tip: You can copy-paste the following links in your tweet):
@RoarloudTravel @Always5star @_SundaySunsets_
🌟 Find your favorite sunset picture for your post.
🌟 Compose your tweet and let us know where you took the picture (please use your original photos), use the hashtag #SundaySunsets (Please use the plural “s” at the end of the word), and tag all the hosts & co-hosts in your tweet. See the picture below for example:

🌟 The hosts and co-hosts will retweet your photo as well as comment**. Be sure you check your notifications on Twitter to see our responses. This is your opportunity to connect with others and become part of the #SundaySunsets community! When you respond back, a reminder to always respond by ending your Tweet with the #SundaySunsets hashtag.
🌟 Be sure to follow the hashtag #SundaySunsets to see what others are posting and to participate. Our community is growing and we would love to have you join in.
If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a co-host in the future, please comment on this post, and I will do my best to answer all your questions.

Cheers to gorgeous sunsets and joining us the first Sunday of every month!
To sponsor a #Sundaysunsets Chat
Please contact Pam Rossi Pamela@always5Star.com
** Hosts and co-hosts will do their best to retweet all posts that use the #SundaySunsets hashtag and tag all hosts and co-hosts. However, sometimes we will miss a post due to the large volume of participants. If we have missed your post, please DM @Always5Star or @RoarLoudTravel to alert us to the oversight. We will correct it. Thank you!

If you liked this post, please pin this to your Pinterest! Thank you!
About Pamela Rossi

I am passionate about travel and taking each moment and making it a five star experience. My goal is to create those experiences for YOU!
Thank you!!!
I really appreciate this initiative as I’m obsessed with sunsets. Will participate. And maybe co-host one day. Looking forward. @sontondlovu
Loving seeing your pictures this morning on #Sundaysunsets – Let me know how to support you! DM me if I missed any of your posts!