It is June and the excitement of warmer weather and summer vacations is approaching fast. We think about how we want to maximize this month and start thinking and planning our weekends and vacations. I have put together five top June tips for suggestions that I know will inspire you and create Always5Star moments for you.

Cheers to enjoying your June and creating those Always5Star moments in life!
To read any of the following tips, please click on the title for more information.
🌟 (1) Top 5 Reasons You Will Love Norwegian Joy’s Haven Suites
Are you looking for a summer luxury cruise that is truly an exclusive VIP experience? The newly launched Norwegian Joy and its Haven suites are undoubtedly the way to achieve this. The Haven suites are located on the top of the ship and can only be accessed with a special card key. This private VIP area features luxury rooms that will rival any five-star resort. This exclusive area boasts terrific amenities such as 24-hour butler service, a dedicated concierge, a private pool and jacuzzi, and separate restaurant and lounging areas – everything you want or need to create the idyllic summer luxury vacation…

🌟 (2) 5StarTip🌟: Want to stay at a Luxury hotel for less this summer? Here is how!
Here is one way you can accomplish this:
A great secret for booking a luxury hotel to treat yourself without breaking your budget is to book off-season! Yes, there are locations around the world where summer is their off-season. There are destinations where the weather is less desirable in the summer than at other times of the year. There are ways to design your luxury stay and avoid feeling the “heat” while maximizing your opportunity to experience a luxury resort. There are many hotels throughout the world that discount their prices during the summer months…

🌟 (3) Five Always5Star Wineries To Visit In Temecula Valley, California
Summer in some parts of California can be quite hot. June is a great month to do wine tasting in Temecula, California. California is known for offering extraordinary wines. Located in Southern California, Temecula Valley is quickly becoming known for producing quality award-winning wines. I live in Temecula, and I am proud to call this my hometown. This is an exciting year for the wineries, as it marks the 50th-anniversary of the Temecula Valley Southern California Wine Country! As part of this celebration, I would like to begin introducing all of you to some of our wineries and my Always5Star tips about them…

🌟 (4) An Alaska Cruise – Top 5 Important Tips for Success!
It’s approaching the season for Alaskan cruises and having taken several of them, Cindy Bokma offers some great tips to make sure you make the most of your experience…

(5) Always5Star Tips To Overcome Your Fear Of Flying
Do you have a fear of flying? With June starting the summer season of travel, it is the perfect time to learn how to address this so that you can plan those wonderful flights to your dream destinations. Here are tips that will help you accomplish this…

Final Thoughts:
I hope you have a fantastic June and I am able to offer new luxury travel tips that you achieve to make some dreams come true. Create five-star moments this month with these valuable tips for embracing June. Please share your ideas on ways that you enjoy June! Cheers my friends!

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About Pamela Rossi

I am passionate about travel and taking each moment and making it a five star experience. My goal is to create those experiences for YOU!