Here are five simple steps to how to serve the perfect glass of champagne for those “Sparkling Always5Star Moments” of life!

“Champagne is one of the elegant extras in life.”
–Charles Dickens, English novelist
How to serve the perfect glass of Champagne!
🌟 Chill:
Champagne needs to be served cold. The ideal temperature is 8-10° C / 47-50°F – chilling it below these temperatures you risk the aroma being difficult to notice.
Before serving place the bottle in an ice bucket for a half-hour – one-half ice and one-half water. You can also chill the champagne bottle on its side in the refrigerator for four hours before serving (Do not chill in the freezer).

🌟 Popping the cork:
Remove the foil then loosen the muselet (the wire cage) and discard both. Drape a small towel over the top of the bottle. With one hand holding the base of the bottle at a 45̊ degree angle point the top of the bottle away from you. Wrapping your other hand around the cork and towel and begin to rotate the base slowly. The cork will slowly begin the come out, maintain pressure and you will hear a soft pop as the cork leaves the bottle.

🌟 How To Pour:
Champagne should be poured against the inside of the glass rather than directly into the bottom. This allows for the champagne to maintain the bubbles. Do not let the bottle touch the glass as you pour.

🌟 How To Serve:
Champagne is best enjoyed in a tulip-shaped glass, tall enough to allow for the fullness of the fine bubbles and aromas.

🌟 Expression of Cheers!
Take a pause before sipping your first taste to celebrate this moment. Make a toast and express gratitude for good feelings toward others and acknowledging a special moment in life!
An Always5Star 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Cheers to you!
Clink! 🥂

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About Pamela Rossi

I am passionate about travel and taking each moment and making it a five star experience. My goal is to create those experiences for YOU!