How often have you left an item or two behind in a hotel room?

Every traveler can relate to this dilemma, especially if you have a busy travel schedule or are running a bit late.

I know that in the past I have! Because of this I decided to develop a quick 10 step check list that I follow without fail. The good news is that it has helped me from ever leaving items behind. The check list will take you all of 5 minutes (I timed it). Isn’t it worth that time, if you do not leave anything of value behind?
I am sharing my Always5Star free downloadable (see below) check list, in the hope that it will help enhance your Always 5 Star travel experience.
Always 5 Star Top 10 Check List Before Leaving the Hotel

Printing the above check list:
To print the Always 5 Star Top 10 check list before leaving the hotel, follow these 5Star simple steps:
🌟 Put your cursor over the above image
🌟 Right click your mouse
🌟 Choose ‘Save Image
🌟 Name the location and give the document a title
🌟 Once saved to your computer, you can print it as a photo file to your printer.
Or, the PDF file at the bottom of the article can be used for printing:
For information about how much to tip, please click on this link for a free downloadable Always 5 Star tipping guide: Always5Star Tip Guide
Cheers to using this quick and easy free Always 5 Star guide to enhancing your travel experience by not leaving anything behind!

About Pamela Rossi

I am passionate about travel and taking each moment and making it a five star experience. My goal is to create those experiences for YOU!